The Scientific and Didactic Center for World and Comparative Literature is one of the subdivisions of the Faculty of Letters at Moldova State University. During its institutional history the Center underwent several stages of administrative reorganization. The nowadays Center was created on the basis of the former Chair of World Literature, which was founded on the 30th of May, 1969 as a part of the Faculty of Philology. In 1993 the Chair of World Literature was transferred to the Faculty of Foreign Languages, which later is known as the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures. The strategical reform enabled the administration to invite teaching staff in the field of English, German, French, Spanish and Italian philology to the Chair, thus leading to a narrower specialization and the possibility to provide courses in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian the literatures of those countries. From 2014, the World Literature Chair changed its institutional status into Department, obtaining the title of World and Comparative Literature. The fusion of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the Faculty of Letters in 2019 resulted in the transformation of the World and Comparative Department into the Scientific and Didactic Center for World and Comparative Literature. The teaching staff of the Scientific and Didactic Center for World and Comparative Literature is made up of 8 professors: Sergiu Pavlicenco, PhD, University Professor, Tatiana Ciocoi, PhD, Associate Professor, Emilia Taraburca, PhD, Associate Professor, Natalia Sporîș, PhD, Associate Professor, Cristina Grossu-Chiriac, PhD, Associate Professor, VeaceslavFilimon, MA, Assistant Lecturer, Cristina Babin-Bosîi, MA, Assistant Lecturer, Ana Gheorghiță, MA, Assistant Lecturer. In the periods 2011-2016 and 2018 – to the present day the Department is presided by Tatiana Ciocoi, PhD, Associate Professor as the Head of the Scientific and Didactic Center for World and Comparative Literature.
As a subdivision of the Faculty of Letters the Scientific and Didactic Center for World and Comparative Literature provides study programs for the specialty departments of the cycle I – BA, and cycle II – MA. The fundamental courses of World Literature are lectured in Romanian and Russian, depending on the degree specialization and the courses of the European Literatures (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian) are taught in the corresponding language.
In the 2004 when the Specialized Scientific Council D– was founded at the Moldova State University, the Center included the Scientific Profile Seminar for the specialty 10.01.06 – World and Comparative Literature. The sessions of the Seminar promoted of 7 habilitated doctoral theses and 16 doctoral theses.
The thematic framework of the research includes mainly the recent issues of the contemporary literary science: the symptomatic tendencies of the literature of the XXI century, postcolonial and post-communist studies, the topic of the literary cannon and cultural revisionism, literature and the new identity geography, new orientations and schools of the literary science, feministic literary theory and gender studies, the empiric theories of literature and the cognitive poetics, literature and the anthropology of culture, theoretical research of the act of reading and re-reading. The objectives pursued by the Center are the following: the connecting of literary study to the larger set of issues and theoretical solutions of the West, to promote the European model of the study based on the exchange of the opinions and the disciplinary interconnections in the historical and literary investigation carried out at the Center.
One of the primary objective of the Center is the extension and empowering of the existing national and international partnerships among which we can mention AUF, Timisoara West University, “A. Russo” Balti University, CRI Chisinau, Moldova Institute in Leipzig, the Romanistic Institute of the Vienna University, Romanistic Institute of the Berlin Humboldt University, Sibiu University, “A. I. Cuza” Iasi University, the Institute of Romanian Philology “B. P. Hasdeu” of the Moldovan Academy of Science, the National Library, etc.
In 2011 the professors of the Scientific and Didactic Center for World and Comparative Literature founded the Moldova General and Comparative Association. A number of important cultural and scientific personalities became member of this Association (E. Prus, I. Plămădeală, A. Grati, A. Tofan, V. Beşleagă, E. Galaicu-Păun, D. Crudu etc.). Its purposes include the consolidation of the literary domain in the Republic of Moldova through public debates, workshops, projects and actions to promote humanistic values and the habit of reading.
Tatiana Ciocoi, dr.hab., Associate prof.: World Literature of the 20th century (1); French Literature of the 20th century (TR);Masterpieces of English Literature (TR); Postmodernism; Post-policies and the new configuration of World Literature; Translation and literary interpretation (Master programme “Translations and Interpretation of Conferences”).
Sergiu Pavlicenco: dr. hab., Univ. Prof.: World Literature to the 16th century (ES); World Literature to the 16th century (TR); Word Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (ES); World Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (TR); World and Spanish Literature of the 19th century (1, ES); World and Spanish Literature of the 19th century (2, ES);World and Spanish Literature of the 20th century (1); Spanish Literature of the 20th century (2 -21).
Emilia Taraburca: PhD, Associate prof.:World Literature to the 16th century (ES); World Literature to the 16thcentury (TR);Word Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (ES); World Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (TR); World Literature of the 19th century (1, ES); World Literature of the 19th century (2, ES);World Literature of the 19th century (TR);
Cristina Grossu-Chiriac,PhD, Associate prof.:World Literature to the 16th century (ES); World Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (ES); German Literature of the 19th century (1); German Literature of the 19th century (2); German Literature of the 20th century (1); Modern tendencies of the contemporary German novel.
Natalia Sporîș, PhD, Associate prof.: World Literature to the 16th century (ES, Ru); Literature to the 16thcentury (TR, Ru); World Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (ES, Ru); Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (TR, Ru);World Literature of the 19th century (1, ES, Ru); World Literature of the 19th century (2, ES, Ru); World Literature of the 19th century (TR. Ru); World Literature of the 20th century (1, Ru); Postmodernism (Ru).
Veaceslav Filimon,M.A., Lecturer: World Literature to the 16thcentury (TR);World Literature of the 19th century (TR);World and English Literature of the 19th century (2, ES); English Literature of the 20th century ( ES); English Literature of the 21st century.
Cristina Bosîi, M.A., Lecturer: World Literature to the 16th century (ES); World Literature to the 16thcentury (TR);Word Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (ES); World Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (TR); World and English Literature of the 19th century (1, ES); World Literature of the 19th century (TR); English Literature of the 20th century (TR).
Ana Gheorghiță, M.A., Lecturer: World Literature to the 16th century (ES); World Literature to the 16th century (TR); Word Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (ES); World Literature of the 17th -18th centuries (TR); French Literature of the 19th century (1, ES); French Literature of the 19th century (2, ES); French Literature of the 20th century (1, ES); French Literature of the 21st century.