Department of Romance Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (DRLIC)

            The Department of Romance Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (DRLIC) was founded on July 1, 2014 based on Order No. 132 of the Rector of USM, by reintegrating the departments of French, Spanish and Italian philology, French language (SL). These departments were at the origin of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of USM (1964-65), they created their fame through the quality of the studies provided and the deserving scientific researches, by elaborating the first textbooks for higher and pre-university institutions. The image of these departments also depends on the value of the personalities who were at their helm, such as Gr. Cincilei, Z. Radu, A. Macarov, V. Banaru, E. Bulgac, I. Guţu, respectively I. Dumbrăveanu, Th. Balaban, A. Roşca and E. Andreev, E. Pavel, A. Lenţa, E. Axenti, S. Moraru, L. Zbanţ.

            French linguistics has known rich scientific traditions through the operation of research schools and the training of doctors in philology by scholars Gr. Cincilei (14), V. Banaru (16), A. Bondarenco (3), A. Lenţa (2), I. Guţu (1). At the contemporary stage, scientific continuity is also ensured by publications in national and international collections, by organizing since 2001 over 15 colloquia and conferences with international participation, by publishing and launching the Acts of these major events. Dozens of scholars from French and universal linguistics were invited and became Honorary Members of DRLIC, as J.-M. Adam, Fr. Rastier, C. Kerbrat, J. Moeschler, H. Walter and others, researchers G. Kleiber and S. M. Ardeleanu being awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa USM.

            Spanish and Italian philology has trained highly academic specialists. Professor I. Dumbrăveanu’s scientific school of romance trained 7 doctors in philology, published valuable works (dictionaries, textbooks, monographs) both in the country and abroad, and the scientific leader was decorated with the Order of Glory of Work and the Star of Italy in the rank of Knight.

            At the national level, DRLIC promoted the didactic collaboration with various institutions, primarily of the resort ministry. DLRCI’s contribution to the organization of national and international foreign language Olympiads, to the holding of public lessons and baccalaureate exams, to the preparation of national attestation sessions at didactic degree was highly appreciated by the Parliament and Government. DRLIC coordinates and develops national and international curricula and textbooks, guides and programs for all study cycles, participate in training in language teaching, being active implementers of innovative teaching methods.

            Internationally, DRLIC has contributed to deepening the collaboration relations with the embassies of France, Spain, Italy, AFM, AUF and OIF, with universities from Romania, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Armenia, Ukraine, with the Cervantes Institute in Bucharest. With the support of DRLIC, memoranda and agreements of international cooperation were signed between USM and AECID, AUF, AFM. DRLIC is a component part of the Network of Hispanics in Central Europe, CEEPUS projects and inter-university francophone projects. DRLIC researchers participated in congresses and conferences in Greece, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Spain, Romania. DRLIC professors are scientific experts in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, participate in the reading committees of international journals and in the scientific committees of international conferences, publish articles in international journals and collections, participate in international project competitions. DRLIC members have completed professional internships in Spain, Romania, France, Switzerland, Russia, Bulgaria and have appeared as guest professors for undergraduate / master courses and as international trainers in Ukraine and Romania. DRLIC students actively participate in the Student Conference and thematic scientific workshops, are permanently in academic mobility based on the Agreement with the University of Geneva, Switzerland, with AUF scholarships in French, with ERASMUS + scholarships in universities in Spain and Italy.

            Culturally, DLRCI ensures the complex training of students in language teaching by promoting Romanesque culture and civilization, by expanding French-language activities in non-university spaces (municipal libraries, USM House of Culture, municipal leisure centers), awarding nominal diplomas, lots of book and financial grants with the support of AFM, AUF, APFM contest winners, active participants in Banarian readings and evenings during the Francophonie Days, Hispanicity Days, Italian Cuisine Days, etc. The students are equally active within the Faculty of Fine Arts of USM which provides them with a complementary professional training and allows them artistic evolutions in the country and abroad.

Name/First name Degree and Scientific title


Taught subjects
Guţu Ion Doctor

Associate Professor,

Head of department


History of the French language


Pedagogical ethics



Media and intercultural communication


Моraru Lidia


Associate Professor


The civilization of France/The civilization of francophone countries

The linguistics of the text


Моloşniuc Viorica  Doctor

Associate Professor,



Didactics of the French language/Grammar didactics

Grammar/Comparative Grammar/Functional Grammar

Social communication

Guţu Silvia Doctor Lecturer


Stylistics of the French language

Technologies / ICT in teaching


Intercultural conflict management

Didactics of interculturalism

Enicov  Cristina University assistant


The culture of France

Sociolinguistics and French Civilization

The pragmatics of the text

Typology of texts

Căpăţînă Oxana University assistant


The semiotics of the French text

Business terminology: specialized translation

The pragmatics of the text

Didactics of the text

The linguistics of the text

Veste Lucia                         Graduate student,

University assistant


French text lexicon and Oral communication

Grammar and lexicon of the text


Written communication

The semantics of the text

Roşca Angela Doctor

Associate Professor


The history of the language


Language studies

Semiotics of the text

Specialized translation

Translation of texts

Professional ethics

Porumb Tatiana                Doctor

Associate Professor


Lexicology of the Italian language

History of the language

The civilization of Italy

Translation of texts

Mîrzac Laura     University assistant


Spanish language styling

Phonetics and lexicon of the text

The linguistics of the text

Translation of texts

Semantics of the text

Cebanu Cristina                University assistant Spanish grammar

Translation of texts

Phonetics and Grammar


Romero Petidier Bàrbara University assistant Phonetics and lexicon of the Spanish text

Culture of Spain



Decan L.Usatîi, dr., conf.univ. +37367436655
Prodecan V.Moloșniuc, dr., conf.univ. +37367560080
Departamentul Lingvistică romanică și comunicare interculturală, șef I.Guțu, dr., conf.univ. +37367560082
Departamentul Lingvistică germanică și comunicare interculturală, șef V.Lifari, dr., conf.univ. +37367560079
Departamentul Lingvistică română și știință literară, șef E.Varzari, dr., conf.univ. +37367560197
Departamentul Traducere, interpretare și lingvistică aplicată, șef A.Grădinaru, dr., conf.univ. +37367560081
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